冬冬原创:The Most Grateful Turkey 最懂得感恩的火鸡

冬冬原创:The Most Grateful Turkey 最懂得感恩的火鸡

2016-11-29    05'13''

主播: Max冬冬

1298 39

The Most Grateful Turkey There once was a turkey, His name was Victor Ray. He had a bad reputation, As he lived on day by day. Why did everyone hate him? Believe me, they should. He was the most ungrateful thing That lived in Grateful Wood. One day, this Victor Ray Had a thorn stuck to his wing. But when Doctor Camel plucked it out, He left without saying a thing. The turkey strolled on. He walked like the wind. He was going to watch a movie At the cinema on Rooster End. He found that there were no tickets left When he saw a long legged goat. The goat said, “The tickets have sold out. We’re all in the same boat! But luckily, I ordered a few, Twenty-nine, at least! And I’ve got a spare one. I’ll give it as a gift, to you, from me!” The turkey just nodded. He strode into the movie hall. But when he sat down, he found that he was surrounded By goats that were big and tall. He saw the long legged goat In the middle of the others. The long legged goat told the others to sit down. No one even looked at the turkey (No one even bothered). For the long legged goat knew The turkey was a bad one. He was hired by several others To get the killing job done. The goats were just pretending To ignore the turkey that was now fast asleep. When Victor Ray watches movies, he takes a nap, It’s a habit of his, thought the long legged goat, and it’s gonna make him weep! In the twinkling of an eye, The goats got to work. They made a little rustling noise That really startled the clerk. The clerk leapt out of his seat. He pulled out something red. It was sleeping drought And it put the goats to bed. Victor was wide awake. He had seen the whole thing. He found a sword close to his neck That fell to the ground with a cling. He suddenly realized his sins. He was ungrateful all the time! He went to find the clerk, but all that was left in the clerk’s place Was a shiny silver dime. He picked the dime up. Then he read the words on it. “Go and apologize to everyone who’s helped you. I’ll give you a sign when you are done!” So Victor set off. He was going to say sorry To everyone that ever helped him, And those people could fill a lorry! He went to Doctor Camel’s first, And Mrs. Badger on Apple Lane. Then he went to Mr. Elephant, Who had helped him find drugs that would rid him of pain. Then to young Tommy Kangaroo’s house The turkey did go. Then around old Professor Toad’s burrow and Jim Cat’s shelter He hovered to and fro. Old Mr. Snake’s log pile, Ms. Rabbit’s hole. Soon, he had visited everyone, Excepting Harry Mole. He charged to the Mole’s house, And thanked him as quick as a flash. But he suddenly remembered the clerk, So back to the cinema he did dash. He called in the cinema, “Oh! Savior! Thank you! I’ve thanked everyone, Grumpy Old Mr. Eagle, too! So please show me a sign, Oh, please!” He suddenly stopped calling, For he saw someone in the trees. He saw a turkey crest And a turkey beak, And two bright turkey eyes, Above his turkey cheek. Victor recognized him at once. It was his father that had disappeared! He hugged his father, who had hopped into the window. “Oh father! It’s been so many years!” They got reunited, The happy couple. They really loved each other. They loved each other on the double! And Victor’s dad was a warrior, As you’ve probably guessed. So he taught his son martial arts, In both ways, Victor was best. 最懂得感恩的火鸡 从前,有一只火鸡, 他的名字叫维克多•雷。 他的名声非常不好, 游手好闲,一天到黑。 人们为什么如此恨他? 这种感觉不是没有道理。 因为他是感恩林里 最不知道感恩的东西。 话说有那么一天, 维克多•雷的翅膀上扎了一根刺, 骆驼医生帮他拔了出来, 他扭头便走,也没说个谢字。 火鸡继续前行, 渐渐地,他脚下生风, 他要到公鸡巷影城 去看一场电影。 到了影院,票已售光, 这时,他看到一只长腿山羊。 山羊说道:“票已售罄! 咱们是同一条船上的,我的老兄。 好在我提前订了几张, 二十九张,不多不少。” 这里还有多余的一张, 送给你吧,谁叫你命好!” 火鸡只是点了点头, 接过票就往影院里走。 他刚一落座,就发现一种现象, 四周站立的全是山羊。 他看到了那只长腿山羊, 不偏不倚站在了中央。 长腿山羊让大家坐下, 没人正眼看一下火鸡。 长腿山羊肚明心知, 这只火鸡不是个东西。 有人雇山羊 把火鸡做掉。 山羊故意装作不理不睬, 此时的火鸡却已经睡着。 火鸡看电影前有个习惯, 他要先小憩一会儿,养养精神。 山羊想着,心中窃喜, 待会让你欲哭无门。 说时迟来那时快, 山羊一齐动起来。 他们的动静可不轻, 惊动了旁边的服务生。 服务生他一跃而起, 怀里掏出了一样红东西。 那是一包蒙汗药, 山羊一下全睡着。 维克多他很清醒, 整个过程看得仔细。 脖子边上的杀人剑 咣铛一声落了地。 他认识到自己很犯浑, 从来不知道什么是感恩。 他要去找服务生, 只见一毛硬币,不见了人影。 他弯腰把硬币捡起来, 上面的文字跃入眼里: “向你的恩人一一道歉, 道歉完了,我示意你。” 维克多把身离, 他要去说“对不起”。 帮过他的人可真多, 绝对不止一卡车。 第一站是骆驼大夫家, 接着去苹果巷把獾太太找。 然后便是象先生, 他帮他弄到了止痛药。 火鸡来到小袋鼠汤米的家门。 在蛤蟆教授的洞前, 在吉姆猫的窝边, 犹犹豫豫,徘徊不前。 老蛇先生的柴垛前, 兔子太太的洞穴里, 只剩下鼹鼠哈利的窝, 他没有前去躬身赔礼。 于是,他飞身前去, 对哈利感谢万般。 忽然想起服务生, 又箭一般地返回影院。 他在影院大声呼喊, “谢谢,恩人。谢谢,恩人。 我已经挨个把门登, 包括脾气坏的老鹰先生。 请示意我吧, 快示意我吧。” 他突然变得很安静, 林子里晃动着人影。 他看到了火鸡的羽冠, 和两只放光的眼, 他看到了火鸡的嘴, 还有火鸡的脸。 维克多一眼就认了出来, 那是他失散多年的老父亲。 父亲跳到窗口,和维克多相互拥抱。 “噢,父亲,真的是好久好久不见!” 至此,父子二人, 终于团圆。 昔日彼此关爱, 如今倍加关心。 维克多的父亲是名武士, 这个你可能早已耳闻。 他教给维克多搏击技巧, 维克多成了彬彬有礼的武术达人。