冬冬原创《勿忘我》Remember Me

冬冬原创《勿忘我》Remember Me

2017-12-09    01'25''

主播: Max冬冬

1392 13

Remember Me 创作:冬冬 翻译:冬爸 T’was a cold and windy night, When I first told her the news. She wept and begged, but, nonetheless, I had to do what I had to do. I held my rifle tight, And veered my horse around. From the bottom of my heart rose a chill Between the sobbing sounds. I couldn’t let go, But yet, I had no choice. I could still remember the whip Of the commander’s voice. I was off to sea, To fight the pirate rage. And I don’t know if I’ll return To turn another page. I’m half past my prime. Eventually I’ll go. But when I do, promise me, You’ll remember me so. 勿忘我 寒冷的夜晚冷风嗖嗖, 我告诉她说马上要走。 她哭着求着让我留下, 可我心已定无法回头。 我拿起步枪紧握在手, 我纵身一跃拨转马头。 她抽搐哽咽眼泪涟涟, 我内心涌起一股寒流。 难以释怀却无法放手, 万般无奈却无法停留。 将军的声音犹在耳畔, 唯遵从命令快马加鞭。 我要前往汹涌的波涛, 去捍卫正义消灭海盗。 不知道能否凯旋归来, 不知道能否带回捷报。 大好的年华业已过半, 我要去沙场消灭敌顽。 分别的时刻终于来临, 请一定把我记在心间。