003 Blue Penguin

003 Blue Penguin

2017-05-22    04'43''

主播: 花木Koi

115 3

『阿花说』 《蓝企鹅》是一个关于友谊的故事,因毛色不同而受到排挤的蓝企鹅最终用他美丽的歌声找到友谊。当然,通过这个故事也想告诉大家,不需要为自己的独特而自卑~ 作者/插图:Petr Horacek 出版:Walker Books 适合年龄:3+ 『原文』 Blue Penguin By Petr Horacek Far away in the south, a blue penguin was born. A blue penguin is not something you see every day. "Are you a real penguin?" asked the other penguins. "I feel like a penguin," said Blue Penguin. Blue Penguin did all the same things that the other penguins did. He wasn't the best at diving or jumping, but he always caught a big fish. "I told you I was a penguin," said Blue Penguin. "But you're not like us," said the other penguins and they wandered away. Blue Penguin was left all alone. His days were filled with emptiness. His night were filled with dreams. There was one dream that came back night after night. In this dream, a beautiful white whale came and rescued Blue Penguin and took him away from his lonely place. Blue Penguin made up a song about the white whale from his dream. Each morning, he sang it across the ocean. One day another little penguin heard him singing. Each day she came a little closer to listen. One day she spoke to Blue Penguin. "Teach me your song," she said. Each day Blue Penguin taught Little Penguin a bit more of the song and they sang and played together. They became friends. Then one evening Blue Penguin spoke to Little Penguin. "It's time we sang a new song," he said. "I will teach you." Blue Penguin's new song was so magical the other penguins came to listen. When he had finished they came up to him. "Your song is so beautiful," they said. "Will you teach us to song, too?" "Yes," said Blue Penguin. "Gather round and I will teach you." But before they began to sing, a huge white whale arrived. "Who called me?" said the white whale. "I heard my song and I have come." Blue Penguin answered the white whale. "It was me who called you. I dreamed of you and wished you would come and take me away from my loneliness." Little Penguin looked sad. "Don't leave us," she said. "You're my friend." "Please don't leave us," said the other penguins. "We're sorry we left you alone. You're our friend as well. You're a penguin like us." Then Blue Penguin looked at the white whale and said, "Thank you for coming for me, but the song you heard was a very old song. I have learned a new one now. I belong here." The white whale smiled, but said nothing. She turned round and slowly disappeared over the horizon. Blue Penguin turned to his friends. "Now let us sing our new song," he said. "Our song of friendship." -The End- 感谢收听(╹◡╹)♡
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