

2021-04-02    12'11''

主播: 小鑫哥哥讲故事🍊

3041 16

A mouse took a stroll through the deep dark wood. 一只小老鼠,叽布叽布,在森林深处溜达。 A fox saw the mouse and the mouse looked good. 一只狐狸看到它,馋得口水直滴答。 "Where are you going to,little brown mouse? “你去哪呀,小老鼠? Come and have lunch in my underground house." 进来吃午饭吧,地底下就是我的家。 "It's terribly kind of you,Fox,but no-- “哦,狐狸,你太客气啦!可是很抱歉-- I'm going to have lunch with a gruffalo." 咕噜牛约我来吃饭,一会就见面。” "A gruffalo? What's a gruffalo?" “咕噜牛?咕噜牛是谁啊?”狐狸问道。 "A gruffalo!Why,didn't you know?" “咕噜牛就是咕噜牛。为什么,你连这也不知道?”