More and more Americans are buying used clothes from second-hand stores. Now, some majordepartment stores have started selling old clothes, too.
Recently, J.C. Penney and Macy's started selling used clothing from ThredUP, an online thriftstore.
James Reinhart is co-founder and chief of ThredUP. He said of the partnerships, "You have togo where the customer is going."
The first big department store that entered the old clothes business was Neiman Marcus. InApril, it received part ownership of Fashionphile, an online seller of used designer goods. Andthis fall, it will launch areas inside some of its stores where customers can sell old designerclothes directly to Fashionphile.
These and other recent moves show how businesses can no longer ignore the growingpreference of buying and selling old clothes. Shoppers want to pay less for clothes. And theywould rather see their old clothes worn again than thrown away.
Observers say selling old clothes is a way to bring customers back to the stores – especiallyyoung shoppers. But some people also fear that it could hurt businesses.
"It's good that that they are looking at modern ways of shopping," said Neil Saunders, adirector of GlobalData Retail. "But this is not the solution to their deep-seated problems."
Saunders also believes it could hurt the relationship between stores and suppliers of newclothes. The suppliers would have to pay more for advertising -- while selling new clothes at alower price.
Although the clothes resale business is still small, it is quickly growing.
A report for ThredUp predicts that sales of second-hand goods will grow from $24 billion lastyear to $51 billion by 2023. Another study by the Boston Consulting Group found that one-third of shoppers sold unwanted clothes in order to buy new ones.
Still, it is not sure that second-hand stores will bring young shoppers back into departmentstores.
Morgan Toliver has been buying used clothes at thrift stores for more than 10 years. The 24-year-old recently started buying clothes from ThredUP, too. She told The Associated Press shehas not shopped at places like J.C. Penney or Macy's for many years. And, she does not expectthat to change.
1、H—开口40% hate handsome have
2、L—舌头抬起30度,抵住上齿龈 leave last love
3、RSY—开口10% RRR SSS YYY ran sent yes
4、W—开口嘴唇收圆,呈O型 want why went
5、TH—上下齿咬住舌尖 this those them
1.second-hand goods 二手商品
You've got the second-hand goods and you can also find some brand new stuff.
2.department stores 百货商店
Judging from the goods for sale in all department stores, city residents have becomediscriminating consumers.
从各个百货商店待售的货物判断,城市居民已成为有鉴别能力的消费者。 seller 线上卖家
A good reputation is everything for an online seller.
4.bring back 使...恢复
Did you remember to bring back that software I lent to you?
5.And they would rather see their old clothes worn again than thrown away.
thrown away 扔掉
I must have thrown away the tickets by accident.
He has thrown away the earphone, has gone out of the recording room.
6.Another study by the Boston Consulting Group found that one-third of shoppers soldunwanted clothes in order to buy new ones.
in order to 为了
In order to transform their environment, he drew up the project with painstakingaccuracy.
In order to reach this limit a number of technical problems will have to be solved.
詹姆斯·莱因哈特(James Reinhart)是ThredUP的联合创始人兼首席执行官。在谈到与这些大型百货公司的合作时,他表示:“你必须想顾客之所想。”