

2018-05-28    06'35''

主播: 【Miss Wei 的双语世界】

199 5

Remember too that your relationship withyour daughter is a powerful classroom. This is where she learns what to expectfrom men and boys. It's where she learns how she wants to betreated and deserves to be treated. So when girls have men in their lives whorespect them and who make them feel heard, those girls go out and surround themselves with guys who do the same. So if you're the kind of guy who tends tomake jokes about women and girls, or like makes negative generalizationsabout women and girls, you gotta put a sock in it. As a famous man once said "with greatpower comes great responsibility". You are the model here and she needsyou. 还要记得你和你的女儿的关系是最有效的课堂 在这里她能知道男人和男孩应该是怎样的 能知道她想要怎样被对待,应该受到怎样的对待 所以当女孩在生活中碰到的男性都尊重她们 这些女孩出去,都会有一大群尊重她的他的男性围绕她 所以如果你是喜欢取笑女人或女孩的男人 或者喜欢说一些有关女人或女孩的负面的定义 你最好闭嘴 有位名人曾说过,能力越强,责任越大 你就是她的榜样,她需要你