【双语合作版】There is an alligator under my bed

【双语合作版】There is an alligator under my bed

2019-02-02    05'35''

主播: 【Miss Wei 的双语世界】

373 1

声音来源:Lily老师,俊哥 There used to be an alligator under my bed. 过去曾有条鳄鱼藏在我的床底下。 When it was time to go to sleep, I had to be very careful. 每次我去睡觉的时候, 总要非常地小心。 Because I knew he was there. 因为我知道它就在我的床下。 But whenever I looked, he hid...or something. 但是无论我什么时候去看它, 它总是就藏起来。 So I'd call mom and dad. 所以我叫来了爸爸妈妈。 But they never saw it. 但他们却从来没有看到过它。 It was up to me. I just had to do something about that alligator. 现在要看我的了,我要对这条鳄鱼做点什么了。 So I went to the kitchen to get some alligator bait. 于是我到厨房去拿了些东西当诱饵。 I filled a paper bag full of things alligators like to eat. 我装了满满一纸带鳄鱼很喜欢吃的东西。 I put cookies down the hall. 我放了一些饼干在客厅里。 I put a peanut butter sandwich, some fruit, and the last piece of pie in the garage. 我放了一块花生酱三明治, 一些水果,最后一块馅饼放在车库那。 I left fresh vegetables on the stairs. 我留了新鲜的蔬菜在楼梯上。 I put a soda and some candy next to my bed. Then I watched and waited. 还放了些苏打和糖果在我的床边, 然后就在一旁看着等着。 Sure enough, out he came to get something to eat. 我能确信,它终于出来吃东西了 Then I hid in the hall closet. 我马上藏在客厅的壁橱里。 I followed him down the stairs. 我跟着它下了楼。 I followed him down the hall. 我跟着它走过厅堂。 When he crawled into the garage, 当它爬向车库的时候, I slammed the door and locked it. 我砰的一下关上门,并将门锁起来。 Then I went to bed. There wasn't even any mess to clean up. 然后,我来到床边, 这里一点都不脏乱,几乎不需要清扫和整理。 Now that there is an alligator in the garage, I wonder if my dad will have any trouble getting in his car tomorrow morning. 现在有一条鳄鱼在车库里,我想知道明天早上,爸爸在他的车里会不会遇到什么麻烦。 I'll just leave him a note. 我要给他留一张纸条。