【娱乐前沿】David Letterman深夜秀录影棚被拆除

【娱乐前沿】David Letterman深夜秀录影棚被拆除

2015-05-23    05'55''

主播: Beijing Hour

421 22

David Letterman's farewell show may have drawn the largest Late Show audience in 21 years, but it was just another "soda pop" moment as everything else in the world of Show business. On Thursday, a demolition crew took apart Letterman's iconic set at New York's Ed Sullivan Theater, throwing many of the items into a dumpster. Letterman himself took some memorabilia after Wednesday's show ended. Other tidbits were also put on sale on eBay. The iconic late night talk show host is stepping down after a 33 years on Prime-time TV. Stephen Colbert from Comedy central is expected to fill Letterman's shoes.