【脑筋急转弯1/高级】Why does time fly?(小何老师)

【脑筋急转弯1/高级】Why does time fly?(小何老师)

2014-10-17    06'42''

主播: 绘声绘色学英语

908 37

Rhyme: Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Till good to better. And better best. Joke: Ms: Xiaoming, you are getting a bit arrogant now. Do you remember the story about race between the hare and the tortoise? Will you tell me why the hare was defeated by the tortoise? Xiaoming: Because the hare fell asleep. Ms: Absolutely right. What should we do so that the the hare won't fall asleep? Xiaoming: Exchange the tortoise for a wolf. Questions and answers. 1.Why does time fly? To get away from all those who are trying to kill it. 2.Why are dogs afraid of sunbath? Because dogs don't want to be hotdogs. 3. What month do soliders hate most? March. 4. What table has no legs? Timetable. 5.A man is lost in a forest on a cold night. Luckily he sees a cabin in the distance. Inside he sees a candle, an oil lamp, a piece of paper and a log in a fireplace. He has only one match. What should he light first? To light the match first. 6. There are two ducks in front of two other ducks, There are two ducks behind two other ducks. There are two ducks beside two other ducks. How many ducks are these? Four. 7. An old woman has lived in one story house before. Her body is very short. Afterwards, she moves into a big building and lives in the 9th story. However, when she comes back home each time, she always takes an elevator to the 6th story and gets off. Then she walks to the 9th story. Why? Because she is too short to press the 9th button. 8.Can you name four days which start with the letter "T"? Tuesday, thursday, today, tomorrow.