【师范生实践6/中级】Travel 小课堂之souvenir(方思阮 林育冰)

【师范生实践6/中级】Travel 小课堂之souvenir(方思阮 林育冰)

2017-07-11    05'25''

主播: 绘声绘色学英语

2141 38

souvenir 旅游者A Lina,旅游者B Nalu ,商店收银员C。 Lina and Nalu are good friends. They’re visiting Chengdu and now they’re going to buy some souvenirs in a shop. 情景一:观光中 A:I want to buy some meaningful souvenirs in the shop. B:Sure, let’s go to buy some memorable souvenirs in the shop. 情景二:逛商店 A:Wow! So many beautiful postcards, I want three. B:I want three, too. A:OK! Six postcards. B:Look at this toy, I want one. A:I want two toys. B:All right! Three toys. A:Oh, I want a painting and a medal. B:Mm, I want two medals, but I don’t want paintings. A:Then, a painting and three medals. B:Hey! Look at the tableware, it’s lovely. I want a set of tableware, what about you? A:I don’t like that. I want a suit of clothes, it’s so nice. B:Well, a set of tableware and a suit of clothes. Okay, so, that’s all. 情景三:结账 A:How much are they? C:Wait a minute, let me see. Six postcards, three toys, a painting, three medals, a set of tableware and a suit of clothes, right? B:Yes, that’s right. So, how much are they? C: Emm. 112 yuan. A:Well, Here you are. C:Thank you. Goodbye. AB:Bye.