【公益课堂15】A Duck And His Dream

【公益课堂15】A Duck And His Dream

2017-12-15    04'13''

主播: 绘声绘色学英语

172 6

1、教学目标:能听懂、读懂故事梗概,掌握关于身体部位的英语单词:nose, mouth, ears, eyes,并能够正确运用句型I want… &``& I have… 进行表达。 2、教学重点:让学生了解故事大意,掌握单词及句型:nose, mouth, ears, eyes,I want… &``& I have… . 3、教学难点: 让学生能够正确发音单词nose, mouth, ears, eyes. 4、教学方法:通过故事进行教学,着重讲解里边出现的有关身体部位的单词,并布置作业及检查作业。 5、教学内容: 单 词: nose 鼻子 mouth 嘴巴 ears 耳朵 eyes 眼睛 句型: I want… 我想要…… I have… 我有…… A Duck and his Dream Once upon a time, there was a duck. The duck wanted to change himself in his body. One day, when the duck was on his way to the forest. He saw an elephant. The elephant was picking up some apples on an apple tree with his long long nose. “Wow! I want the long long nose too.” The duck shouted. Suddenly the duck saw a fairy. “Wow! What a lovely duck.” The fairy said. “Wow! What a beautiful lady.” The duck said, ”Can you help me? I want that long long nose of the elephant.” “Oh my lovely boy, of course I can.” Then the fairy took out a magic stick and said “Bilili bulili nose!” “Wow! So amazing. I have a long long nose now.” The duck was so excited. “Oh my lovely boy, let me give you my magic stick and then you can change your body.” “Thank you.” The duck said. The duck went to the forest with his long long nose. The he met a crocodile. “Wow! What a big mouth. I want that big big mouth too. Bilili bulili mouth.” The duck was so happy, “Cool, I have a big mouth now.” The duck kept going to the forest with his long long nose and big big mouth. He met a rabbit with long long ears. “Wow! How beautiful the ears are. I want those long long ears too. Bilili bulili ears.” Now the duck had long long ears. Suddenly, he saw a cat with big big eyes looking at him. “Wow! How beautiful the eyes are. I want those big big eyes too. Bilili bulili eyes.” The duck was so happy because he had a long long nose, a big big mouth, two long long ears and two big big eyes now. “I have changed my body. I must be handsome now!” So the duck went to a lake. “ Oh no! How terrible I am. I don’t want my long long nose, big big mouth, long long ears and big big eyes now. I want to be myself. Oh no! ” The duck was so scared that he woke up suddenly. “Oh it was just a dream. I don’t want to change my body any more. I love my nose, my mouth, my ears and my eyes. I love myself!”