【糖豆英文绘本】Go away big green monster 走开大绿怪(转发见文字)

【糖豆英文绘本】Go away big green monster 走开大绿怪(转发见文字)

2014-06-04    02'55''

主播: 糖豆姐姐

1030 15

你家的小朋友有过关于怪物的想象吗?如果有的话,这本Go away big green monster,就是孩子们最好的读物。在这本充满童趣的翻翻书里,小朋友们变成了发号施令的主人,而大绿怪则成了言听计从的小可怜。Go away,and don't come back until I say so!! Big green monster has two big yellow eyes, A l o n g bluish-greenish nose, A big red mouth with sharp white teeth, Two little squiggly ears, Scraggly purple hair, And a big scary green face. But, you don't scare me! So go away, Scraggly purple hair, Go away Two little squiggly ears, Go away l o n g bluish-greenish nose, Go away big green face, Go away big red mouth, Go away sharp white teeth, Go away two big yellow eyes, Go away Big green monster. And don't come back, until I say so.