HAPPY ABC 法国 张敏 曹娴君

HAPPY ABC 法国 张敏 曹娴君

2017-04-17    09'20''

主播: 洛阳师范学院网络电台

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Hey,guys,welcome to today’s HAPPY ABC.I’m your friend Carrie. S:I’m s.C,Do you like the French? C:Fench?I very like it。 S:I believe a lot of people like France。今天我们就来聊一聊法国的风土人情。 C:OK,First, let's introduce the women's clothes. Makeup and beauty of women as essential for life. The concept of time is strong, strong work plan, adhere to the "ladies first" principle. 妇女视化妆和美容为生活之必需。时间观念强,工作计划性强,奉行“女士第一”的原则。习惯行握手礼,有一定社会身份的人施吻手礼。这跟我们还真是有点不一样呢。 S:Yes ,The girl used a curtsy. Between men and women, between women and men have the habit of kissing cheeks. Others do not want to interfere in social affairs. Personal antipathy to women's perfume gift and the first meeting on the gifts.少女常施屈膝礼。男女之间,女子之间及男子之间,还有亲吻面颊的习惯。社交中不愿他人过问个人私事。反感向妇女赠送香水及初次见面就送礼。 C:France is also a religious country, most people believe in CatholicismAvoid "13" and "Friday." anti yellow and dark green. The peacock and crane bogey. As chrysanthemum, Rhododendron and walnut as an ominous thing. Love the arts and entertainment activities.法国也是一个有宗教信仰的国家,大部分的人都信仰天主教。所以他们忌“13”和“星期五”。忌黄色和墨绿色。忌孔雀和仙鹤。视菊花、杜鹃花与核桃等为不祥之物。 S:Carrie,对于法国你还有什么更像了解的吗? C:肯定还有啊,天下之大唯有美食不可辜负嘛。 S:就知道你改不了爱吃的这个习惯。French people will eat, but also pay attention to eat French food swept the world. The French people like to eat snails and frog legs, the most expensive dish is foie gras法国人会吃,也讲究吃。法国菜风靡世界。法国人喜欢吃蜗牛和青蛙腿,最名贵的菜是鹅肝。喜欢喝酒。法国菜的特点是鲜嫩。法国人也非常喜欢中国菜。 C:好巧啊,我也喜欢中国菜。 S:那还真是挺巧的。 C:嘿嘿嘿。 S:好了,我们也别一直谈论吃了,不然别人还以为我们这是一档美食节目呢,既然谈到法国怎么能不谈谈法国的时装呢 French fashion reputation in the world, it is rich, excellent, bold design, superb production technology, the French fashion has been leading the world fashion trend. There are 2000 boutiques in Paris, the owners of the slogan is: "fashion does not sell second." and in the streets, almost see two women dressed in the current fashion clothing as like as two peas. 法国时装在世界上享有盛誉,选料丰富、优异,设计大胆,制作技术高超,使法国时装一直引导世界时装潮流。在巴黎有2000家时装店,老板们的口号是:“时装不卖第二件”。而在大街上,几乎看不到两个妇女穿着一模一样的服装。 C:The French family, the more the small animal gift, at the cost of huge gold buying feeding. More than half of all families keep a small animal, the total head number more than 30 million dogs in the.1/3 family, the number of dogs nearly 40 thousand dogs. All hospitals, dog clothing store. It is often seen. animal not only brought Frenchman fun. It caused some disaster. The French dog injuries occur every year since about 500000.当今法国家庭,对小动物恩宠倍加,不惜耗费巨金收买哺养。有一半以上家庭饲养各种小动物,总头数在3000万只以上。1/3的家庭养狗,狗的数量已近4万条。各种狗医院、狗服装店屡见不鲜。动物不仅给法国人带来了乐趣,也造成一定灾难。法国每年发生狗伤人的事件50多万起。 S:这还真是令人头疼得一件事呢,可爱喜人的小动物也有凶狠的一面,当真是动物也疯狂啊 C:没错没错,所以这就需要宠物主人们看管好自己的宠物了。 S:France is a courteous and civilized country. Women of courtesy is French proud tradition. The French greeting, the most common way handshake. But when the first handshake grip time should not be too long, two there is no need to hold people's hands shaking hard. Like a woman to the man first hand, the elderly to young, first hand. The higher level to the lower first hand.法国是一个讲文明礼貌的国家。对妇女谦恭礼貌是法国人引以自豪的传统。法国人见面打招呼,最常见的方式莫过于握手。不过握手时一是握时间不应过长,二是没有必要握住人家的手使劲晃动。一般是女子向男子先伸手,年长者向年幼者先伸手。上级向下级先伸手。 C:Every November 1st the Holy Spirit Festival, equivalent to the Chinese Tomb-sweeping Day. The French habit in go to the cemetery to pay homage to this day, the memory of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the country. Paris St. kadelinna Festival "older female youth festival. Every year on the day of November 25th, at least 25 years old and still unmarried girls in front of the statue of Catalina offered a bouquet flowers, and then to the boutiques dancing, binge drinking, and finally choose a most beautiful girl as festival queen.每年11月1日圣灵节,相当于中国的清明节。法国人习惯上在这一天去墓地祭奠,缅怀为国捐躯的先烈。圣喀德琳娜节 巴黎“大龄女青年”的节日。每年11月25日这一天,年满25 岁而尚未婚配的姑娘们到喀德琳娜塑像前献一束鲜花,再到大时装店跳舞,饮酒狂欢,最后选出一位最美的姑娘作为节日的王后。 S:French cooking as an art, the French are indeed global wind MI. In France, three meals a day is usually so arranged. Breakfast: bread, coffee, hot chocolate; lunch: French lunch is the most important meal, usually around one in the afternoon, dinner at nine. After the French social dinner usually lasts more than two hours, beginning first appetizer dishes, then fish or spaghetti, then is the main course, the main course with many lettuce, salad, cheese, fruit, sometimes dessert after dinner coffee is also essential. 法国人把烹调看成是一门艺术,法国菜也确实风糜全球。在法国一日三餐通常是这样安排的。 早餐:面包、咖啡、热巧克力; 午餐:午餐是法国人最重要的一餐,一般在下午一点左右, 晚餐则在九点以后。法国人社交的正餐一般要持续两小时以上,开始先是开胃菜,然后是鱼或意大利面条,再才是主菜,主菜还附带许多生菜、沙拉、奶酪,水果,有时还有甜点心,餐后咖啡也必不可少。 C:Ok,that’s all today’sHAPPY ABC.Thanks for your listen. S:Bey.