HAPPY ABC-国花 DJ张敏&曹娴君

HAPPY ABC-国花 DJ张敏&曹娴君

2017-05-20    08'50''

主播: 洛阳师范学院网络电台

84 1

C:Hi,guys.Welcome to today’s HAPPY ABC.I’m your friend CARRIE. S:I’m s.c,do you love flower C:Of course.I’m a girl. S:那你知道我们的国花是什么吗? C:是牡丹吧,唉?也有可能是菊花,一元硬币上不是有菊花嘛 S:犯糊涂了吧,不过这也可以理解,China is the only country that has no definite national flower 我们是唯一一个没有确切国花的国家呢 C:我们难道就从来没有选过国花吗? S:当然不是啦。According to historical records, in the late Qing Dynasty, peony was proclaimed as the national flower. Around 1929, the national government declared the plum blossom as the national flowerAfter the new China was founded, due to various reasons, failed to determine the party's national flower. Since the third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, the national flower of the voice of the selection requirements. According to the 31 provinces including Shenzhen __ SAR reporting results, in favor of a country - the L8 - peony flowers, accounting for 58.06%. 根据史料记载,清朝末年曾宣布以牡丹为国花;1929年前后,国民政府宣告以梅花为国花。新中国成立之后,由于种种原因,未能确定国花。根据31个省区市__包括深圳特区上报的结果,赞成一国—花——牡丹的有l8个省,占58.06%。如此,兰-春、荷-夏、菊-秋、梅-冬四季分作韶华主,总领群芳是牡丹。 C:哦~原来是这样。 S:跟着我长知识了吧。 C:那你知道波兰的国花是什么吗? S:这个嘛 C:嘿嘿,不知道了吧。波兰的国花是三色堇Known as the "flower Queen" of good reputation, pansy with yellow, white, blue is an early spring flower bed flower plants, pansy, early Nongyan, then gentle and pure. The last flowering period up to 8 months.三色堇素有“花坛皇后”的美誉,三色堇有黄、白、蓝色系是早春花坛不可或缺的植物,三色堇的花片,初时浓艳,接着温婉,最后纯净。花期长达8个月。 S:我还知道澳大利亚的国花,是金合欢。Acacia is a legume barbed irrigation operation or small trees, two back pinnate, capitate clusters in leaf axils, in full bloom, as if the golden ball in general. In Australia, you will find a little attention, residents of the garden is walled in, but with the Acacia as Flacourtia, around the house that is very unique.盛开时,好像金色的绒球一般。在澳大利亚,你稍加留意就会发现,居民的庭院不是用墙围起来,而是用金合欢作刺篱,种在房屋周围,非常别致。花开时节,花篱似一金色屏障,带着浓郁的花香,令人沉醉。金合欢还是一种经济树种,芳香的花可提炼芳香油作高级香水等化妆品的原料。果荚、树皮和根内含有单宁,可做黑色染料,茎中流出的树脂含有树胶,可供药用。术材坚硬,可制贵重器具用品。 C:金合欢还真是既好看又实用啊。那你知道德国的国花吗? S:这个你可难不倒我,不就是矢车菊嘛 C:哎,没错。那你知道矢车菊为什么会成为国花吗? S:这个我就不知道了。 C: Emperor William I of Prussia's mother, Queen Lewis, in a civil war in Berlin was forced to leave. Flight on the way, the car broke down, she and her two children parked on the roadside waiting, found the roadside blooming blue cornflower, she used the flowers into a garland, wearing a chest in the nine year old William William later. A coronation as emperor of Germany, still very fond of cornflower, that it is auspicious flowers. Cornflowers also inspire people to be careful and learn.普鲁士皇帝威廉一世的母亲路易斯王后,在一次内战中被迫离开柏林.逃难途中,车子坏了,她和两个孩子停在路边等待之时,发现路边盛开着蓝色的矢车菊,她就用这种花编成花环,戴在九岁的威廉胸前。后来威廉一世加冕成了德意志皇帝,仍然十分喜爱矢车菊,认为它是吉祥之花。矢车菊也启示人们小心谨慎与虚心学习。 S:国花的背后也都是故事啊 C:谁说不是呢,人们在定国花的时候可是做了很多考虑呢。日本的国花樱花则是因为它高雅刚劲的品质被日本国民接纳。March 15th is the Cherry Blossom Festival. Japanese cherry blossom more than and 30 species, more than and 300 varieties, a total of more than and 800 species in the world. All the park in Japan, is full of cherry blossoms. The Japanese people think the cherry blossoms with elegant, bold, delicate and pretty simple and independent spirit. Their cherry as industrious, brave, a symbol of wisdom. Japan "Cherry seven" Proverbs, is that a very short flowering period. So the Japanese family is generally not a cherry blossom, that the continuation of the prosperity of the family is unlucky.3月15日是日本的樱花节。日本有樱花30多种类,300多品种,世界上共有800多品种。日本所有公园里,满目都是樱花。日本人民认为樱花具有高雅、刚劲、清秀质朴和独立的精神。他们把樱花作为勤劳、勇敢、智慧的象征。日本有"樱花七日"的谚语,是说花期很短。因此日本家庭里一般不种樱花,认为对家族的兴旺延续不吉利。 S:In the UK and Europe and the United States in many countries, the rose (Rose) designated as the national flower, to show my dear, because there are thorns, stem said seriously. In Christianity, the word betrayed Jesus, was crucified, blood drops in the soil, and then cross under the roses grown red rose symbol. Love, it may be common in the world. According to legend, love flower in order to save her lover, ran in a hurry, rose thorns tore her hands and feet, the blood red roses. The red rose as a token of love.在英国及欧美许多国家,都把玫瑰(月季)定为国花,以表示亲爱,又因茎上有刺,表示严肃.基督教中,相传耶稣被出卖后,被钉在十字架上,鲜血滴在泥土中,,十字架下便生长出玫瑰花。红玫瑰象征了爱情,这可能是世界通用的花语。相传爱神为了救她的情人,跑得太匆忙,玫瑰的刺划破了她的手脚,鲜血染红了玫瑰花.红玫瑰因此成了爱情的信物。   C:原来爱人之间互送玫瑰花表达情意是这么来的啊 S:Ok,that’s all today’s HAPPY ABC. C:See you next time.bay