C:Hey,guys.Welcome to our HAPPY ABC.I’m your friend carrie.
B:I’m your friend B.carrie,Did you like the Luoyang for such a long time?
C:Luoyang has a profound cultural background,so l like the city very much.
C:小看我了吧,我还知道很多关于丝绸的事呢The Silk Road is a historically important international trade route between China and Europe.Because China silk comprised a large proportion of the trade along this ancient road, in 1877,it was named the “Silk Road” by an eminent German geographer. Usually it can be classified into Northern Silk Road on the land, Southern Silk Road on the land and the Silk Road on the sea.
The Northern Silk Road on the land usually refers to the routes start from Chang’an,traveling west to Wuwei, passing though Hexi Corridor to Dunhuang and go west to Europe.The Southern Silk Road on the land usually refers to the route starts from Sichuan Province and go south to India and Burma. It is now included in the World Heritage List of UNESCO.33 historical sites are along the road in total and 22 of them distribute in Shanxi, Henan,Gansu and Xinjiang of China. 中国在距今五六千年前的新石器时期中期便开始了养蚕、取丝、织绸了.到了商代,丝绸生产已经初具规模,具有较高的工艺水平,有了复杂的织机和织造手艺.在西周及春秋战国时期,几乎所有的地方都能生产丝绸,丝绸的花色品种也丰富起来,主要分为绢、绮、锦三大类.贸易的推动使得中原和边疆、中国和东西邻邦的经济、文化交流进一步发展,从而形成了著名的"丝绸之路".这条路从古长安出发,经甘肃、新疆一直西去,经过中亚、西亚,最终抵达欧洲.
C:有四个吗?我怎么只知道蜀绣呢 君可见刺绣每一针有人为你疼
B:真拿你没办法,四大名绣是苏绣、粤绣、蜀绣、湘绣。Together with the economic and political exchange between the East and West, religions of the West were introduced into China via the world-famous route. Like Buddhism and Islam. From time immemorial, the Silk Road has been a route of friendly intercourse between the Chinese and foreign people. The Silk Road greatly promoted the exchanges of economy, technology and culture among the Asian, the European and the African. It made the whole world colorful. 苏绣的发源地在苏州吴县一带,当地妇女素有擅长绣花的传统习惯。在长期的历史发展过程中,苏绣在艺术上形成了图案秀丽、色彩和谐、线条明快、针法活泼、绣工精细的地方风格,被誉为“东方明珠”。
蜀绣,亦称“川绣”,是以成都为中心的四川刺绣产品总称。取材多数是花鸟虫鱼、民间吉语和传统纹饰等,颇具喜庆色彩,绣制在被面、枕套、衣、鞋及画屏。清中后期,蜀绣在当地传统刺绣技法的基础上吸取了顾绣和苏绣的长处,一跃成为全国重要的商品绣之一。 湘绣分别在1912年和1933年意大利都灵博览会和巴拿马万国博览会上,湘绣分别获得最优奖和一等奖,被国外誉为超级绣品。湘绣也多以国画为题材,形态生动逼真,风格豪放,有“绣花花生香,绣鸟能听声,绣虎能奔跑,绣人能传神”的美誉。
C:哇 快看我崇拜的小眼神
C:嘿嘿The of the Silk Road for today is a Chinese framework named One Belt and One Road, which for organizing multinational economic development through two component plans, the land-based Silk Road Economic Belt and oceangoing Maritime Silk Road. I look for the new Silk Road will play an increasingly active role in generating for the benefit of all humanity 云锦,产地南京,可追溯至宋朝,因色泽光丽灿烂,状如天上云彩,故而得名。它是中华民族和全世界最珍贵的历史文化遗产之一。
B:The quality is not only beautiful, but also colorful, silk, satin, silk, Luo, Kam, textile, velvet, crepe everything, reaching more than 10 major categories. There are thousands of species of Lu silk, such as the soft velvet, burnt-out georgette light, beautiful colors of flowers intertwined
C:Charmeuse, smooth as a mirror of the plain two-wire charmeuse. Satin-type fabricis, the most successful innovation, adopts the technology of shiny silver by ancient silk workers. 蜀锦,以产于蜀地而得名,其历史悠久、工艺精湛、图案华美
B:10~ 20 pieces of warp weaves show a variety of changing landscapes, flowers and brocade patterns. They are like Galaxy landing, the stars twinkling. The ancient incense satin silk is intertwined with flowers and birds characters, which win great praise and love from the Chinese and foreign guests. They are honored as beautiful "flower of oriental art."
About 4,000 years ago the chinese discovered the secret of the cocoon. no one knows exactly how or when this important discovery was made. one story says that a young princess was drinking tea in her garden and watching silkworms spin cocoons. by chance one dropped into her tea and the hot tea made it soft. when the girl tried to take the cocoon out of her tea, it became separated and she pulled out a long silk thread.
C:the chinese learned to weave the silk thread into cloth. for 2,000 years they were the only people who knew how to make silk. the chinese merchants sold silk cloth throughout asia and europe and became rich.silk was so expensive that it was called “the cloth of kings” .everyone wanted to learn how to make silk, but the chinese kept the secret carefully guarded.
B:finally the secret was stolen. in the sixth century, two monks learned about the silkworms and their cocoons. they spent several years in china and finaly found a way to take some silkworm eggs out of the country. the monks always carried bamboo canes. one day they hid some eggs in the hollow canes, and walked out of china with them. it is said that the development of the silk industry in other countries came from those few eggs which the monks had carried out of china.
B:嗯嗯,ok,that’s all our HAPPY ABC
C:See you next time.