Chinese dress
A:Hey,guys.Welcome to our happy ABC.I am your friend A
B:I’m your friend B. Wow!A ,the dress you wear today is so beautiful.That’s cheongsam,right?
A:yeah,you’re right.It can also be called “Chinese dress.” I have to say that I recently saw some domestic films ,but unexpectedly, finally I was completely attracted by the cheongsam on the actress.
B:That’s true.I could not agree more.As the representative of Chinese costume culture,it is show the beauty of the female. The charm of the cheongsam is recognized by the whole world.
B:en...A,you’re wearing a cheongsam,but do you know the culture of that?
A;Because of my enthusiasm for that,I did do some work recently.
A:Chinese dress was the national uniform of the republic of China,which was famous in the 1930s and 1940s.People saw the 1920s as the start point of the Chinese dress,which is most popular in 1930 and quickly spread from the birthplace Shanghai to every other place in China.The cheongsam followed the times,inherited civilization.The cheongsam,with its flowing melody,shows the feminine and gentle nature of Chinese women.The cheongsam connects the past and the future,and connect to life and art.
B:en...I think Chinese dress is a great turning point in Chinese costume,oh,A,do you know who made that?or how it developed?do you know its history?
A:hhh,you see,This is the difference between doing work and don’t doing work.I know more than you!
B;fine,fine,you know more .Now,take the time to introduce its history to everyone. Ok?
A:hah ,just a joke.Let’s get to the point.The revolution of 1911 abolished the imperial system ang established the republic of China.In the early days of Republic China,the old customs was abolished,and send the feudal crown suit system to the historical museum.This provided the conditions for the birth of Chinese dress.The Chinese dress was not for women at first.It’s the long clothes for all the people in northeast China.This kind of clothing is comfortable and suitable for outdoor activities such as riding horse.Later,it began to mix with Han Chinese Clothing.Gradually absorbed the pattern and the embroidery craft of Han nationality.The button were changing too.
A:Not only that,but the quality of the Chinese dress was also getting better and better.Chinese was usually made of fancy silk.There are many beautiful lace around the silk,in order to increase the fastness of clothing.The pattern of the cheongsam is colourful,some are kinds of animals,such as tigers,cranes or dragons,some are variety of plants such as bamboo.
B;It seems like the good things are always the combination of many excellent cultures,and the develop of Chinese dress has come a long way.All beautiful things need to be precipitated.
A:That’ right,It’s a long journey for Chinese dress,although it was not easy.i think everything is worth it.Chinese dress is loved by thousands of women.The Chinese dress is suitable foe women of all ages,and it is adapted to any occasion.
B:Oh ,i suddenly remember that there was an interesting legend about the Chinese dress.
A:Wow,really? Tell me that! I want to know that.
Once upon a time there was a young fisherman, who was called black, because she was a fish in the lake, and her face was very dark. The black girl was very beautiful, and her fish work was very good, but the usual dress was very inconvenient so she cut a dress with a long coat. This kind of long shirt is split between two sides, when the river is fishing, it can be put in the waist, it is not only comfortable,but also save the cloth. Later,shi was lucky to become a lady in palace because of her beauty. In palace,She used her wisdom to do a lot of good for the poor, and she introduced her improved clothes to everyone, but she were framed by bad guys and finally she died. People heard that the black woman died,they cried for three days. In honor of the black lady,they wore the longshirt she cut. Later, these long shirt was called the "cheongsam". It was amazing. Women who wear that,will become very slim and beautiful, people say that it because of the help of black.
从前有个渔家姑娘,由于她从小在湖边打鱼,脸晒得红里透黑,人们都叫她黑姑娘。这个黑姑娘不光人长的俊俏,而且 心灵手巧,打鱼的本事更是 百里挑一。那时候,满族的妇女都穿着古代传下来的肥大衣裙,可是黑姑娘打鱼常在湖边上转,很不方便,她就剪裁了一种连衣裙的多扣袢长衫。这种长衫两侧 开叉,下河捕鱼时可将衣襟起来夹在腰间,平时扣袢一直到腿弯儿,当裙子用,既合体又省布,后来,她幸运的被选进宫里当了娘娘。善良的她帮助穷人做了很多事情,还把自己做衣服的技巧告诉他们,不幸的是,她却被人诬陷,最终被处死了。人们听了之后,非常伤心,大哭了三天,为了纪念这位黑娘娘,人们都按照他说的方法去裁剪衣服,神奇的是,穿了这种衣服的女孩子,都会变得又苗条又美丽,人们都说是善良的黑姑娘在默默地帮助他们。
A:Amazing story,Whether the story is true or not ,it does add a lot of mysticism to the culture og Chinese dress.
B;But this story also tell us a truth.
A:what’s the truth?
B:Nothing could develop without the efforts of people.
A:Right,The people have a important role in the development of Chinese dress.
B:The Chinese dress got a lot of fans,but do you know,there are two special women who are also fond of Chinese dress.
A;Special women?en...let me think ,Oh i know that .One must be Zhang ailing,she always loved Chinese dress.
B: Right .And the other is Song Meiling. No one can compare the number of Chinese dress with her.The reason why Songmeiling has a lot of Chinese dress is that she has a hard-work tailor,Zhang ruixiang,a male tailor.Zhang ruixiang was loved by Songmeiling because of the manuak skill and his loyalty.He can make a Chinese dress every two or there days.宋美龄衣橱内的旗袍件数,大概现今的吉尼斯世界纪录无人出其右者。宋美龄的旗袍件数多,和有一个勤奋的裁缝师傅,有着相当密切的关联。这位裁缝师傅叫张瑞香,是一位男 性裁缝师。张瑞香所以受到宋美龄那样爱护的原因,无非是因为手工细巧、忠心耿耿。张瑞香几乎每天都在不停赶工,为宋美龄制作旗袍,他大约每两三天就可以做好一件旗袍
A;oh,my god ,I think she must have a huge wardrobe.
B:Yeah,you’re right.Because of too many Chinese dress,she had to make room for that.Everyone thinks she has the world’s largest Chinese dress storage room.
A:I think the Chinese dress is developing with the times.Society is improving,and people’s aesthetics are improving too.The demand for Chinese dress is getting higher and higher.As the same time, the Chinese dress was introduced all over the world,and was very popular.More and more innovation has been incorporated into the Chinese dress,making the Chinese dress more international.Nowadays,Chinese dress is appearing in various meeting as the national dress of our country.
A;As an indispensable part of Chinese costume culture,we will continue to combining it with the development of human needs,better to show the unique charm of Chinese cheongsam to all over the world.
A:Ok,That’s all our Happy ABC.
B: See you next time.