Hello! Everyone! Welcome to the culture corner --Happy ABC! I am your friend Seraphina 王琰. There is a mysterious festival in the seventh month of the lunar calendar,And this holiday is not known to all. Most people are always prejudiced against it. To this end, it is shrouded in a mysterious veil. It is the Chinese traditional festival, the ghost festival. 中国农历七月里有一个神秘的节日,它并不被所有人熟知,并且很多人对它存在偏见,为此,这个节日被笼罩上了一层神秘的面纱,它就是中国传统节日之一,“中元节”。本期的Happy ABC 将为大家讲述这个神秘的“鬼节”。 Every year on the 15th day of the seventh lunar month, the ghost festival, also known as the " bon - bon festival "," bon obon " ( in a sense, the ghost festival belongs to Taoism, the obon festival belongs to Buddhism ), also known as the dead people festival, qiyueban. " Halloween ", commonly known as" qiyueban " ( some areas are 13 or 14, according to the legend of the Mongols invaded a place in the late song dynasty, residents to flee for a day of the holiday ). The common ancestor died in early July when the king of hell released half a month, so in early July, the ancestors, the qiyueban custom. 每年农历七月十五日为中元节,也称为“盂兰盆节”、“盂兰盆会”(一定意义上讲,中元节归属道教,盂兰盆节归属佛教),又称亡人节、七月半。 “鬼节”,俗称“七月半”(有些地区为十三或十四,相传是宋代末年蒙古人入侵某地,居民为逃难而提早一天过节)。俗传去世的祖先七月初被阎王释放半月,故有七月初接祖,七月半送祖习俗 In the Indian Buddhist ceremony, the Buddhist monks held a " bon - obon" to follow the ancestors, the Buddhist sutra " bon - bon sutra" to repair filial piety Buddhist disciples, in line with China to follow the far away from the vulgar letter, so the benefits and popularity.  China starts from the beam generation according to this imitation, and the ghost festival. However, in addition to the vegetarian food for monks, but also increased the number of repentance, put and other activities.  On this day, the mage and Shi gu were set up in front of the village.  In the evening, every household will also burn incense in their own door, the incense sticks on the ground, the more the better, the symbol of the grain harvest, this called " cloth field. ". There are lanterns activities in some places.  The so-called water lamp, is a Xiao mu board a lamp, most of them are made of colored paper, called " flood and drought lights. ". According to tradition, the water lamp is to give those who injustice the way. The lamp is out, and the water lamp has finished the task of bringing the ghost of the ghost to Nano-. The shops were closed that day, and the streets were given to ghosts. In the middle of the street, a table of incense was set at the pot every hundred paces, and an incense table was set up for the fresh fruit and a kind of " ghost bun ". after the table, Taoist priests sang the sacrificial rites that people could not understand. the ceremony was called" shige. ". 印度佛教仪式中佛教徒为了追荐祖先举行“盂兰盆会”,佛经中《盂兰盆经》以修孝顺励佛弟子的旨意,合乎中国追先悼远的俗信,于是益加普及。 中国从梁代开始照此仿行,相沿成中元节。不过后来除设斋供僧外,还增加了拜忏、放焰口等活动。 这一天,事先在街口村前搭起法师座和施孤台。 到了晚上,家家户户还要在自己家门口焚香,把香插在地上,越多越好,象征着五谷丰登,这叫作“布田”。有些地方有放水灯的活动。 所谓水灯,就是一块小木板上扎一盏灯,大多数都用彩纸做成荷花状,叫做“水旱灯”。按传统的说法,水灯是为了给那些冤死鬼引路的。灯灭了,水灯也就完成了把冤魂引过奈何桥的任务。那天店铺也都关门,把街道让给鬼。街道的正中,每过百步就摆一张香案,香案上供着新鲜瓜果和一种“鬼包子”,桌后有道士唱人们都听不懂的祭鬼歌,这种仪式叫“施歌儿”。 The lantern festival is the lantern festival on the earth, and lanterns are decorated to celebrate the lantern festival. The middle of the yuan comes from the yuan. People think that the festival is Halloween, and should also be decorated for ghosts to celebrate the festival. However, the ghost is different, so, the yuan, lanterns and lanterns are not the same. The man is yang, the ghost is yin; Luweiyang, the water is yin. The underwater mysterious darkness, makes people think of the legendary underworld hell, the ghost is there to sink. Therefore, the lanterns are lanterns in the land, the yuan lanterns are in the water. 上元节是人间的元宵节,人们张灯结彩庆元宵。中元由上元而来。人们认为,中元节是鬼节,也应该张灯,为鬼庆祝节日。不过,人鬼有别,所以,中元张灯和上元张灯不一样。人为阳,鬼为阴;陆为阳,水为阴。水下神秘昏黑,使人想到传说中的幽冥地狱,鬼魂就在那里沉沦。所以,上元张灯是在陆地,中元张灯是在水里。 In July, the custom of " ghost" evolved into the folk festival, Taoist culture and Buddhist culture played an important role.  The folk ghost of ghost month and the hungry ghost festival, the bon - bon festival, in the spirit of the essence of a striking similarities. The theme of " feng "," veneration ", " Purdue "," Buddhist obon ", " Taoist ghost festival" and " Chinese folk culture and customs ", so that they can be widely recognized soon. Both point to the fifteenth of July, and make the folk ghost month an important time for the festival. The establishment of the festival needs to determine a fixed festival and have its special festival, the Buddha and Taoism together determine the fixed festival of the July festival, Buddhist bon - bon festival, Taoist festival festival and so on festival became a part of this festival, and because Taoism is a full indigenous religion, the term " zhong yuan" is also accepted by the folk, become a common name for the festival. Chinese culture and folk beliefs have a strong assimilation role, whether native Taoism or Buddhism from India, unconsciously completed the process of adapting to the local culture. The ritual of Buddhism and Taoism in July 15 was gradually secular, and the folk customs and scenery of the folk ghost month gradually became difficult. From then on, the festival has become a rich festival of sacrifice, sacrifice, problem solving, forgiveness of the grand Chinese folk festival. 七月祀鬼之俗演变成民间的鬼节,道教文化与佛教文化起到了重要的作用。 民间的鬼月俗信与此中元节、盂兰盆节之间,在精神实质上出现了惊人的相通之处。皆是以奉亲、敬养、普渡为主题,佛教盂兰盆会、道教中元节与华夏民间文化礼俗的一致,使它们迅即得到广泛的认同。两者皆指向七月十五,又使民间的鬼月有了成为节日的重要时间契机。节日的确立需要确定一个固定的节期和拥有它特有的节俗,佛、道两教一同确定了七月鬼节的固定节期,佛教盂兰盆会、道教中元节的打醮等仪式活动又成了这一鬼节特有节俗的组成部分,同时由于道教是完全的本土宗教,“中元”这一名词也为民间接受,成为这一节日通行的称呼。 华夏文化与民间信仰有强大的同化作用,不论是本土的道教还是传自印度的佛教,都在不知不觉中完成了适应本土文化的过程。佛教与道教在七月十五的仪式逐渐世俗化,与民间的鬼月俗信和风物渐渐难分难解。从此,中元节成为了一个内涵丰富的祭亡、祀鬼、解难、赦罪的盛大的华夏民俗节日。 In this day, old Beijing has the Chinese yuan law, worship three officials, bon - bon festival, burn the boat, ancestor worship, Floating River Lanterns, point lotus, send sheep and other folk customs. In fact, the folk is called " Halloween ", is nothing but people to the dead relatives of the memorial. The custom of July 15, weeding out the superstition, will find that it contains the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation - filial piety. " life is filial piety first ", filial piety is the embodiment of benevolence, conscience and love, whether for the surviving elders, or the deceased relatives, do not forget the filial piety, this is the" zhong yuan festival " practical significance. 在这一天,老北京有中元法会、拜三官、盂兰盆会、烧法船、祭祖、放河灯、点莲花灯、送面羊等民俗。其实,民间之所以叫“鬼节”,无非是人们对逝去亲人的追思。七月十五的习俗,剔除掉其中的迷信色彩,会发现其中包含了中华民族的传统美德——孝道。“人生百善孝为先”,孝是善心、良心和爱心的体现,无论是对尚健在的长辈,还是已逝的亲人,不忘孝道,所以说,所谓的鬼节并不可怕,因为这才是“中元节”的现实意义。 So, that’s all about today’s happy ABC, bye!