

2017-10-10    15'00''

主播: 洛阳师范学院网络电台

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I-tune英文歌推荐2 Hi, guys, long time no see. I am Serena, Since October, heavy rain has started all over the country, and some places have been raining for several days.俗话说,一场秋雨一场寒。我记得前些天我还在穿短袖,这几天就准备要买棉袄了。好啦,开个玩笑!What a strange weather!天气已经渐渐变凉了,大家要记得多添衣物,防寒保暖。Anyway,本期推荐的歌曲呢是希望在凉凉的天气里,能带给你们温暖的感觉。 1. Ok, the first song【dirty paws】,by Of Monsters And Men. The theme song of the daydreamer, the song is powerful, the atmosphere is great, and every time it is heard, it can make people feel free, and dreams and freedom can’t be let down. 2. You can hear the healing song, see the warm text, write the stubborn word, meet the right person, You believe in the believes, the warmth, the dreams, and the persistences of these old words. Because you are such a person. 【fight song】by Rachel Platten. 3. 接下来的这首歌是来自Mariel Digby的;【miss invisible】 There is a faint sadness in the lyrics, but the fresh melody and the female voice can give comfort, the invisible man singing in the song is just like herself. 4. 【all of me】by John Legend. Do you know how it feels to love someone? It’s like the room is dark, but you look for him first…. 很多歌手都翻唱过这首歌,但最爱的依然是John Legend版本,一开口就打动人心。 歌曲唱着一种毫无保留的爱,‘cause all of me, loves all of you.’’爱你的温柔,也爱你的瑕疵,总之就是爱着你的一切,‘you are my end and my beginning’ even when I lose I’m winning’ 真心每一句歌词都是情歌。 Ok, that’ s all for I- tune. See you next time, bye!