i tune-《high school musi》电影歌单 DJ张敏

i tune-《high school musi》电影歌单 DJ张敏

2017-11-22    15'06''

主播: 洛阳师范学院网络电台

72 0

I-tune《high school music》电影歌单 hello, everyone, here is I tune. I am serena, long time no see. Today, I want to share with you songs in the movie..i don’t know if you guys have seen it before, but myself have seen it many times, 这是一部由迪斯尼出品的一部很不错的电影,虽说讲得是高中生活,可是美国的高中生活与中国是截然不同的,反而与咱们的大学生活有诸多相似之处,况且演员们的年龄都与我们相仿,他们所表现出的时代特征,正与我们相吻合,因此该片与我们的主题是再吻合不过了. 当然,其中有好玩的故事,也有好听的歌。 The protagonist of the story was the two surface has no relation to high school - the school basketball team captain Troy Bolton with the character of shy, outstanding students Gabriella Montez, two of them are two different people in the world, in a new year's Eve Cara Holiday's OK game, they found the original are very love of singing. The song they sing are "Start of something new", 《high school music》the story of the film is very concise and lively, through the song and dance, throughout the whole field, become a main line of the film. Not only the movie is very wonderful, the song and dance is also good and good-looking, the two complement each other. Using music to express ideas, and songs are more intriguing in the plot. There was a misunderstanding between Troy and Gabriella, because friends blocked them from performing Opera. so Gabriella is sad ,she sang” when There Was Me and You,” Despite this, Troy and Gabriella did not give up, but actively pursued their dreams, and influenced other students to show others something that they had been hiding! Through the efforts of Troy and Gabriella, they proved that they could make their study both work, and finally make the students feel ashamed of their behaviors, and try to help Troy and Gabriella achieve their goals. The two of them, after the help of everyone, with a "Breaking Free" finally completed the interview, became the protagonist of the school music, but also changed the music teacher who has always been biased towards them. The final result is always happy: Gabriella's ten all-around competition won; Troy's basketball game also won the championship. The last scene was the end of the movie "We're all in together" 影片里迸发出来的“青春”和“活力”显然是一大亮点,从里面的四个主人公到达布斯老师,他们都是那么有活力,那么热爱歌舞剧。我深深的被感染着,也憧憬着像他们一样自由自在,无拘无束的生活。既然有梦想,就要为之去努力,不管遇到什么困难,都要迎头赶上。正如Gab.和Troy所憧憬的 ,也许尝试不同的自己或许是最好的药方. Ok, that is all for our i-tune, see you next time, bye!