HappyABC- 中国剪纸艺术 DJ 黄冰清

HappyABC- 中国剪纸艺术 DJ 黄冰清

2017-12-21    14'43''

主播: 洛阳师范学院网络电台

61 0

The art of paper-cutting (jiǎnzhǐ 剪纸) in China may date back to the second century C.E., since paper was invented by Cai Lun in the Eastern Han Dynasty in China. As paper became more affordable, paper-cutting became one of the most important types of Chinese folk art. Later, this art form spread to other parts of the world, with different regions adopting their own cultural styles. Because the cut-outs are often used to decorate doors and windows, they are sometimes referred to as chuāng huā (窗花), window flowers or window paper-cuts. People glued the papercuts to the exterior of windows, so the light from the inside would shine through the negative space of the cutout.[1] Usually, the artworks are made of red paper, as red is associated with festivities and happiness in Chinese culture, but other colours were also used. Normally paper-cutting artwork is used on festivals like Spring Festival, weddings and childbirth. Papercuts always symbolize luck and happiness.通常,这些艺术品都是用红纸做的,因为红色与中国文化中的节日和幸福有关,但也使用了其他颜色。通常剪纸艺术用于春节、婚礼和分娩等节日。剪纸总是象征着好运和幸福。中国剪纸起源于古代祭祀祖先和神灵的活动,是中国文化的传统组成部分。在纸发明之前。当时,人们用树叶、银箔、丝绸甚至皮革等薄材料雕刻镂空图案。后来,当纸被发明时,人们意识到这种材料很容易被切割、储存和丢弃,纸成为这种艺术作品的主要材料。They created different type of paper-cutting and shared and passed this traditional craftsmanship to their children, so that this traditional art style became more and more popular and is still practiced to this day.Paper is a kind of material which mildews and rots easily. In the southeast of China, it usually rains in May and June, which makes paper mildew and rot quickly. As a result, people in southeast did not keep them, and it is hard to find paper-cutting from that time. On the contrast, the weather in the northwest of China is usually dry, which makes it possible to find paper-cutting made in the Northern dynasties in Turpan, Sinkiang province.剪纸传到唐代以后,手工技艺逐渐成熟。剪纸不仅是一种手工,而且是一件艺术品,它可以通过图案来表达思想。明清时期,剪纸艺术经历了鼎盛时期。民间剪纸传播范围更广,艺术表现手段丰富。剪纸被用来装饰门、窗和墙,以示欢乐和节日。Paper-cutting is one of the oldest and the most popular folk arts in China. It can be geographically divided into a southern and a northern style. The southern style, represented by works from Yangzhou in Jiangsu Province and Leqing in Zhejiang Province, features ingenious and beautiful designs, exquisite carving and interesting shapes. The northern style, mainly from Yuxian and Fengning in Hebei Province and best represented by works from northern Shaanxi, features exaggerated shapes, vigorousness, vivid depictions and diverse patterns.窗户剪纸的样式通常是自由的,除了角上的花型。窗口剪纸题材广泛,最受欢迎的是戏曲故事。由于大多数买家都是农民,窗口纸的内容通常描述农业、纺织、渔业和家禽养殖。今天,剪纸主要是装饰性的。他们活跃的墙壁,窗户,门,柱,镜子,灯具在家里,也用于礼物或作为礼物本身。贴在入口或入口附近的剪纸应该会带来好运。剪纸曾用作图案,尤指刺绣和漆器。剪纸被年轻一代用来装饰他们的工具包和书籍。Paper-cutting was and is mostly used as a decoration, or an aesthetic way to express people’s hopes, gratitude and other emotions. With a pair of scissors cutting through a piece of red paper, the paper-cuttings are endowed with a simple but exaggerated beauty. The vividly depicted paper-cuttings have different meanings. Some express the wish for a harvest or a wealthy life, such as paper-cuttings of a golden harvest, thriving domestic animals, good fortunes, a surplus year or a carp jumping over a dragon gate (a traditional Chinese story, indicating a leap towards a better life)窗花与春天的开始有着密切的关系,因为它自古以来就是中国迎接春天的一种方式。在中国的很多地方,特别是北方,春天来了,人们喜欢把窗上的剪纸贴在窗上来表达他们的快乐。宋元以来,人们为了迎接中国的新年,把时间改为春节。通过粘贴窗上的剪纸,人们装饰自己的家园,以表达他们的欢乐、幸福和美好的愿望。Window paper-cuts have a close relationship with Spring begins, as it has been a way to welcome spring since ancient times in China. In many areas in China, especially in North, when spring comes, people like to paste window paper-cuts on the window to express their happiness. Since Song and Yuan Dynasty, people change the time to the Spring Festival in order to welcome Chinese New Year. Through pasting window paper-cuts, people decorate their home to show their joy, happiness and good intentions.剪纸是中国人永远的古老艺术,也是值得我们去传承的,马上我们也即将迎来春节,何不自己制作一个剪纸来庆祝春节的到来,同时把我们的幸福快乐都藏在我们剪纸中,剪出的不仅是文化还有我们中国人的血脉亲情哦!行动起来吧!