Happy ABC-肥瑞的疯狂日记 DJ张妍&孙昊立

Happy ABC-肥瑞的疯狂日记 DJ张妍&孙昊立

2018-04-20    15'05''

主播: 洛阳师范学院网络电台

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R: Hi, everyone, welcome come to Happy ABC, I am your old friend Rebucca, 昊立。 S: Hi, I am your old friend Sunny, 张妍。 R: Sunny, what’s wrong with you? Why are you so sad? S: I am watching 《My Mad Fat Diary》during these time, a king girl, Tix, who has serious mental problems was died . R: Is she the heroine in the play? S: NoNoNo, the heroine of this play is Rae. Tix and her are good friends. They all stayed in the mental hospital. R: what kind of mental problems do they have? Why did Tix leave the world? S: Rae is very fat, she likes to compare herself with the girls with good figures. And because she tried to do harm to herself, she was sent to the mental hospital by her mother. R: As far as I am concerned , what she does shows she has no confidence to herself. Though she is fat, she can still find her own pleasures, such as music , drawing and so on. And in this way, she can impress others with her unique charm. S: Exactly! She likes to write diary very much. Music is also her favorite. With the help of her psychologist , Kester, she came out of the shadow and regained her confidence finally. She was brave enough to face her love. She keeps trying to change herself. R: I am really happy for her change. I wonder how she came to realize her friends? S: One day Rae’s mother drove her home from the hospital. They came across Chole who is a good friend of Rae in her childhood. And that time, Chole is traveling with a group of friends. Rae was very embarrassed and saying she just returned from his uncle’s home. Chole intived her to join their group. R: I supposed Rae must want to seize the opportunity to become or of them. Time without friends will be lonely. After a few meeting with the group , Rae must make friends with the members of the group through her sincerity. S:虽然有了一群这么好的朋友,但Rae的生活并没有因此而发生翻天覆地的变化,也没有说阴暗的生活一下子被阳光照亮,他从此就过上了幸福的生活。我想这部剧的绝妙之处就在于它忠于真实的世界,刻画了真实的人性。它们既有可爱的一面,又有令人厌恶的缺点。 R:为什么呢?她很好地融入了大家,还有什么让她不开心的呢? S: Alough there is a handsome guy named Fine falls in love with her. Rae always feels that she is not worthy to him . What’s more, there were a lot of troubles of communicating between Rae and her mother. What’s worse, the crisis between she and Chole is uninterrupted. R: Oh, my god! Luckily, Tix will always accompanied with her. S: Result is always disappointing. Tix also has serious mental problems. She refuses to eat and does sports overly. As a result, she left the world. R: The world is unfair to Rae. Then, how does Fine view this relationship between him and Rae? They have the same interests in music, and they understand each other. S: When Rae joined the group first, Fine was unkind to Rae. When Rae was bullied and humiliated by the bullies , he protected Rae well. So Rae fell in love with him. He was very considerate about Rae. Rae was still in his deep heart after Rae broke up with him. R:哈哈,英雄救美让芬恩成了瑞恩的新晋男神。 S:嘿嘿,还有你不知道的呢,其实Rae 一开始喜欢的不是芬恩,而是Archie.阿奇也是个帅气的小伙,同时是芬恩的好朋友。在外人看来,他阳光帅气,唱歌吉他都很棒,但其实他是个guy ,一直都在自我隐藏中挣扎。 R: Didn’t Fine know that Archie was a guy? Aren’t they good friends? S: In fact, Fine is he most emotionally intelligent person in the show. He knows that his best friend is a guy, instead of debunking, he gave his support to Archie at the proper moment. When he knew he like Rae, he didn’t care about the external judgment and he just followed his heart. R: I wonder if he had started a new relationship before Rae had accepted him. S: Yes, but later, he realized he didn’t forget Rae completely, so he ended another relationship decisively. He was confused about how to forget a person. He chose to stay away from Rae. R:我想如果是我,我也会选择暂时离开,离开这个伤心的地方。因为看见自己近在咫尺的爱情缺什么也不能做,换做我我也会受不了。谈了这部剧中这么多关于女主的爱情和友情,你能给我讲讲它的家人吗? S:当然可以啦,之前瑞恩一直被同学叫做胖妹,也因为这点,她有事很害怕和外界接触,总是喜欢呆在家里,生活的各种琐事也让她经常和独自抚养她长大的母亲吵架。 R: Rae must miss her father very much and wonder what kind of his father was. S: In order to comfort Rae, her mother always wrote postcards to Rae in the name of her father. Her father would always think about his own life and didn’t want to take on too much responsibility. In fact, her mother always cared about Rae. Rae’s stepfather is also a kind man who would work hard to make money , and in order to make Rae happy, he prepared a large and beautiful room for her. R: Wow! That’s so admirable. I am sure Rae and him will be good friends.听你说了这么多,你发现没,就连我们所羡慕的最优秀的人也有他们自卑的地方;相反如果你觉得自己糟糕透顶,但在别人眼里你却有很多他们羡慕的东西。比如Rae的闺蜜身材长相都很棒,但是她羡慕Rae的风趣谈吐和她对音乐的独特品味。Rae的心理医生可以帮他人治愈心灵,但自我的感情生活确是一团糟。 S:你还没看这部剧呢,就感悟这么多啦。没错,在我们喜欢的人面前,我们尽可能做我们自己,因为他喜欢的就是本来的你的样子,你就是他心目中最好的。看完这部剧,相信你对朋友的意义也会理解的更加深刻。Friends are the ones who comfort us when we are most vulnerable. But in the same way, when they are vulnerable, we will not be indifferent and walk away, not just to be immersed in our own world and only care about our own happiness and sorrow. R: I can’t wait to see it. S: Ok, this is our today’s happy abc, finally, please enjoy the story of a little flower in the desert. R: This happened many many summers ago. There was a young flower in the desert where all was dry and sad looking...It was growing by itself...enjoying every day, and saying to the sun "When shall I be grown up"? And the sun would say "Be patient. "Each time I touch you, you grow a little"... S: And she was so pleased. Because she would have a chance to bring beauty to this corner of sand. And this is all she wanted to do bring a little bit of beauty to this world. R: One day the hunter came by — and stepped on her. She was going to die and she felt so sad. Not because she was dying but because she would not have a chance to bring a little bit of beauty to this corner of the desert. The great spirit saw her, and was listening. Indeed, he said She should be living, and he reached down and touched her and gave her life. S: And she grew up to be a beautiful flower and this corner of the desert became so beautiful because of her. R: Ok, this is our today’s happy abc, thanks for your listening. See you next time. S: See you! Bye!