I Tune Hello, my friends. Welcome to today’s i tune. I’m your friend Star星馨. How time flies! The weather is getting more and more hot recently, how I wish for rain! Did you brush your steps today? If not, you get the candy! I prepared three rhythmic songs for you. And you can brush your steps with three songs. I hope you will like them! (There for you)The first one is There for you. This song was sung by Troye Sivan and Martin Garrix, Troye Sivan was the internet celebrity on YouTube,and his innocent,bright,blue eyes were well known to the public.The rhythm of this song is so good如果要用“美丽”来形容一个男生的话,22岁的新生代歌手Troye Sivan 可能是最好的代表,戳爷也是许多欧美粉们非常喜爱的一位歌手,第一首歌曲就来自戳爷的There for you,富有磁性又性感的嗓音简直给渐热的夏日时光带来一丝惬意。 (One call away)The next song is called One call away, it was sung by the famous American singer Charlie Puth. In May 1, 2016, the song was nominated for the best heartbreak song award at the Disney radio music awards. 2016年5月1日,这首歌曲获得迪士尼广播电台音乐奖“最佳心碎歌曲”奖项提名,歌曲的创作灵感源自于查理普斯一位朋友的感情经历,那位朋友与女友相隔很远,这使他很心碎,随后查理普斯想告诉朋友其实有时候一个电话就能缓解相隔两地的思念,于是他就渐渐完成了这首One call away. (The story never ends)The last song is The story never ends, a song from Lauv, a small public singer from New York. In fact, he started trying to write songs when Lauv was a teenager, and began to pursue his own music dream in his students&`& age. He silently persisted for many years, although at first he didn&`&t get much of it. People know that they are not popular, but there are still many musicians who appreciate his musical talent. Lauv 的嗓音谈不上沙哑,却迷离,让人迷乱。他的歌充盈着对生活的倾诉,缓缓道来却不安静,也不冲动。深夜时分,戴上耳机,进入他的世界,随着节奏摇晃思绪,随后打开对生活的另一种想象。