Happy  ABC-Superhero DJ张妍&雪艳

Happy ABC-Superhero DJ张妍&雪艳

2018-06-05    13'56''

主播: 洛阳师范学院网络电台

264 6

Z: Hello, everyone, welcome to Happy ABC, I am your old friend Sunny. M: Hi, I am your old friend Carol .Sunny, what kind of person do you think can be called a superhero? Sunny呐,你觉得怎么样的人才能称为超级英雄呢? Z: 从小到大啊,我对超级英雄的印象,都是拥有超能力,上天入地,武力值爆棚,一出场自带BGM 的那种。 M: however, an old man named James harrison from Australia, who is totally different from such an image, has become a well-deserved superhero in the hearts of countless mothers. Z: is that 81-year-old James who looks like an ordinary grandfather in short red sleeves and white trousers? I know him. M: yes, even if you pass him face to face, you will never think that he is a "superman" who has donated blood 1,173 times and saved the lives of 2.4 million babies in Australia.就算你和他面对面擦肩而过,都绝不会想到,他是一个献血1173次,拯救过澳大利亚240万婴儿生命的“超人”! Z: and his story began when he was saved. At the age of 14, he was seriously ill and had a lung removed.在鬼门关走过一遭的他,对那些不知名的献血者充满了感激。 M: 他可是从小就献血的想法了。he said, "my father is a blood donor, and I said to him, &`&when I grow up, I&`&m going to donate.&`&" The seeds of gratitude were sown in little James&`&s heart, and by the age of 18, he was on his way to donating blood. Z:神奇的是,医生竟在他的血浆里意外发现了Rh抗原体!这种抗体可以用来制作“Anti-D抗体”,治疗新生儿Rh溶血病。而这些抗体,很可能就来源于詹姆斯14岁的那一场手术输血。 M:生了三个孩子的他早就听说过可怕的“新生儿溶血”——仅仅是因为母亲和孩子的血型不合,就有可能产生的一种过敏性血液病。 Z:他自己是O型血,他爸爸是B型血,他的三个孩子都有很大可能得ABO溶血症,谢天谢