邂逅诗歌-Stay passionate,appropriate forgetting DJ肖星馨

邂逅诗歌-Stay passionate,appropriate forgetting DJ肖星馨

2018-11-21    12'47''

主播: 洛阳师范学院网络电台

489 6

Encounter with poetry,encounter with yourself.Hello my dear friends,welcome to today’s encounter with poetry,I am Star星馨.Late last night, I received a phone call from my good friend, who told me about recent events, told me about her recent changes, complained about her confusion, and she didn't know if she was doing anything meaningful every day, not sure what she wants to do,where she wants to go or who she wants to be in the future.Perhaps hear this, you also have the same question, every day busy with things, freshmen may be full of imagination and hope for the future, sophomore students may start to be at a loss,Third-year senior students may also be about to enter society began to fear, we all had a trough.In fact, meet not happy, headache things as well as choose to forget, if you want to be a better person,you must always have passion, used to trouble and love life. Here are two inspiring poems to share in the hope of bringing light to your everyday life and giving you a sense of gratitude and hope that no matter what happens to you, most of the time you are full of strength,All the good things in your eyes, and then you should just trying hard to be alone.