Encounter with poetry—mother's day—DJ可净

Encounter with poetry—mother's day—DJ可净

2020-05-23    15'37''

主播: 洛阳师范学院网络电台

471 7

本期邂逅诗歌是写给母亲的。以不久前刚刚过去的母亲节为背景,向同学们介绍了几首中外诗歌。并希望同学们珍惜与母亲在一起的每一天。 Mother was once a little girl, she also wanted to be loved, also afraid of the dark, encountered difficulties also sad , but the years and you taught her to be greater, a little gift from us will let her happy like a child, so a bouquet of flowers will let her do the most happy person in the universe. Why don't we do that?