amenity 便利设施
Numerous real-estate developers in Shanghai are developing "smog-proof" housing. When air pollution becomes severe, the system in the building can reduce the density of PM 2.5 by half within one hour.
上海部分新建住宅正在试水" 防霾房",意思就是,住在这样的房子里,可以呼吸到新鲜的空气不用再烦恼雾霾了.通过"新风热回收+空气净化+置换送风"等一系列动作,建筑里的抗霾组合系统可以将室内PM2.5浓度降低到一半.
Every household in the apartment building will need to pay an extra 1500 to 2000 yuan every year for the system. Some market analysts say complexes with such amenities will emerge in the Chinese market.