

2014-03-26    01'22''

主播: EZFM China Drive

171 28

China's eastern city of Hangzhou will start restricting car sales from today, Wednesday. It is proposing limiting sales to 80-thousand units every 12 months, to be split evenly over that period--this means the car plate number will be limited. A final decision on details of the curbs will be released at the end of April. 本周二晚上7点,杭州市政府突然召开新闻发布会宣布,从26日起也就是今天开始,对小客车限购.与北京和上海一样,杭州市民也必须通过摇号等方式获得购买车辆的资格.从昨天开始,全市想买车的人都聚集到汽车交易市场购车. The sudden announcement of the new policy has provoked anger among locals, since the city government has clarified several times that they would not enact such policy due to a lack of adequate public transportation. Previously, the local government claimed that the news of limits being placed on car purchases were probably spread by dealerships that wanted to increase their automobile sales.