

2014-04-04    01'00''

主播: EZFM China Drive

294 30

三个月前,好莱坞导演昆汀•塔伦蒂诺的新片剧本遭到泄密,哥们至今还没有缓过来。 Three months after the script was leaked for "The Hateful Eight", director Quentin Tarantino has still not come to terms with it. He has arranged a live reading of the leaked script at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art's Bing Theater on April the 24th. All incomes from the event will go to Film Independent. The 146-page script was leaked earlier this year, leading an angry Tarantino to shut down the whole project. He has also launched a legal action against Gawker who posted on its Defamer website a link to the leaked script.