

2014-04-15    01'23''

主播: EZFM China Drive

305 40

In Beijing, many people have shifted their interest from purchasing an electric car back to common cars due to inconvenience problems. 北京今年2月份首次新能源车摇号之后,很多拿到号的车主都没有去购买电动车,眼看8个月的指标就要作废了.而已经购买的车主呢,到目前为止,只有一个顺利安装了充电桩.不少人都放弃了购买电动车,重新回到普通汽车摇号池. The city carried out the first lottery draw for electric car ownership in February, and there are 1428 people in Beijing who got their chances to purchase an electric car. But so far, only one car owner has set up his recharging station. Community offices usually would not allow electric car owners to set up their own recharging stations unless they've purchased a parking space first. Many car owners also say that no one would be responsible to maintain their recharging stations afterwards. No one would be responsible if there is a security problem emerges. The total fee to recharge the car at a public station is as high as 360 yuan each time. inconvenience=不方便 recharging stations=充电柱 lottery draw=摇号