

2014-05-06    00'48''

主播: EZFM China Drive

3109 75

The prices for dishes with meat in restaurants across Beijing have surged continuously over the past three years, despite a decrease in meat prices. Restaurant owners say that prices for these dishes remain high because of the increasing costs of employing restaurant staff. 北京晨报的记者调查发现,北京地区的肉价连降3年,但餐馆肉菜价格却一直在上涨.这是为什么呢?采访过几位餐馆老板后发现,人工价格不断攀升是根本原因. For instance, pork prices have fallen between 12 and 14 yuan per kilogram; much higher than prices had been in the past. Many restaurant managers say that the monthly salary for a waiter was 1400 yuan two years ago, including accommodations and meals. Now, however, the lowest salary a waiter can get in the capital is 2500 per month. Many in the restaurant business say that they can't afford to reduce meat dish prices because of their increasing labor costs, despite the falling prices of meat.