

2014-06-12    01'15''

主播: EZFM China Drive

2215 51

上海国际电影节组委会接受沈阳晚报沈阳网记者采访时表示,评委对黄海波表演的评判"不会受到艺术以外的事情干扰".黄海波主演的"胜利"是15部争夺今年最佳影片金爵奖的电影之一. Chinese actor Huang Haibo's performance in the comedy film "Uncle Victory" will be duly evaluated at the upcoming Shanghai International Film Festival. The festival's organizing committee say the jurors will form their judgement from a purely artistic perspective. The announcement means Huang is still eligible for an award at the 17th Shanghai International Film Festival, as Huang is now held in detention after being caught with a prostitute. "Uncle Victory" is one of the 15 films shortlisted in the festival's main competition segment. The movie tells the story about an ex-criminal who opens a kindergarten to redeem his past crimes.