

2014-06-13    05'51''

主播: EZFM China Drive

6645 56

从北京时间昨晚开始,世界各地的人们就像开始了一个狂欢大party. 尤其对于球迷们来说,四年一次的世界杯带给他们的不仅仅是精彩的比赛,还有年轻的激情.然而,不是所有人都享受世界杯这个大party.巴西当地的一对夫妇向媒体诉说了他们的苦恼. ABC News: The 2014 World Cup is here -- but not everyone is excited about it. For people in Brazil, it is a time to root for their beloved national team. For others, like Karla Matos and Marcos Nabuco, a year of preparations across Rio de Janeiro leading up to today's opening match has been too much. The couple said the World Cup, and the preparations that have taken months, has brought with it traffic, longer commutes to work, street venders selling loud horns and higher prices at local restaurants. And also the couple complains that the local prices have gone up a lot.