

2014-06-23    05'48''

主播: EZFM China Drive

1583 54

韩国时报: 近日,一幅出现在"纽约时报"上整版彩色邀约"饭局"广告引发人们注意:寻找1000名美国穷人及流浪汉,邀请他们于本月25日中午在纽约中央公园的船屋酒店享用免费午餐,餐后,每人还可领取300美元.广告上注明了联系邮箱,欢迎美国穷人踊跃报名.陈光标表示,之所以这么做,是为改善中国部分富人 "土豪"的负面形象. The Korea Times: A Chinese billionaire is planning to feed "1,000 poor and destitute Americans" at a restaurant in New York City to promote philanthropy among business tycoons. Chen Guangbiao, 45, a recycling entrepreneur from Jiangsu Province, placed advertisements in The New York Times and Wall Street Journal last week, urging those in need to come to a charity luncheon at Manhattan's Loeb Boathouse. The guests will also be given $300 to spend on "occupational training."