

2014-06-24    04'37''

主播: EZFM China Drive

1097 47

阿联酋国家报:阿联酋首都阿布扎比计划建一座革命性新式监狱-----囚犯在整个服刑期间可能见不到任何一个狱警.与囚犯打交道的将只有社工,培训者,心理学家,顾问和医务人员.狱警将退居幕后,除非必要时才会介入.当地官员称,监狱的作用应该是改造人,而不是惩罚人. The National: Prison authorities in Abu Dhabi are planning a revolutionary new jail in which inmates could serve their whole sentences without ever seeing a prison guard. Officials say the purpose of prison should be rehabilitation rather than punishment, that they believe in a restorative and humane correctional system in which inmates are not simply prisoners, and that the new jail will revolutionize the relationship between inmates and guards.