

2014-06-30    01'54''

主播: EZFM China Drive

957 56

A High School graduate student named Xiang Yuan came under the spotlight of the Chinese media after a doctor named Yang Qing from Sichuan Huaxi Hospital received a message from her asking for help. 四川大学华西医院心脏内科副主任医师杨庆收到一条微博私信.一位高三女生向原向他求助,称自己一心想学临床医学,但父亲坚决反对.父亲以医生职业"苦,累,收入低,风险大"为由坚决反对,最后她以死相逼,父亲才让步. From the time Xiang was in middle school, her dream was to become a doctor. Pursuing her goal, she received a high score of 600 on her Gaokao. Despite this, her father rejected her decision to become a doctor, claiming that the occupation was both bitter and exhausting, with low pay and high risks. Xiang could not convince her father to support her decision, so she refused to eat and attempted to kill herself with poison as a form of protest. Finally, her father gave in to let her choose medical science as her major. Interestingly, when Xiang attempted to kill herself to death, the doctor who treated her also tried to convince her not to become a doctor.