

2014-08-11    03'18''

主播: EZFM China Drive

6885 73

据韩国时报报道,韩国首尔地方警察厅10日向韩国国土交通委员会提供的一份资料显示,今年1-6月,韩国地铁全线共发生性犯罪案件628起.近两年来,韩国地铁性犯罪案件呈现高发趋势. Korea Times: The number of sex crimes being reported on subways is rising rapidly. During the first half of the year, 628 crimes were reported, nearly 60 percent of the 2013 total. The number of such crimes has been fluctuating over the last three years. It fell to 848 in 2012 from 1,291 in 2011, but rose to 1,026 in 2013. Sex crimes on subways are classified into two types: direct sexual harassment, including touching or rubbing body parts and photographing others' private parts with hidden, miniature cameras. Crimes using cameras have been increasing. In 2012 the number of hidden camera crimes overtook direct, sexual harassment, increasing steadily to 559 in 2013, up from 439 in 2012 and 448 in 2011.