

2014-08-12    03'36''

主播: EZFM China Drive

5519 89

牙膏是我们每个人每天都会使用的东西,但是,英国每日邮报的一篇报道说,高露洁牙膏含有一种化学物质和癌细胞增长有着联系. The Daily Mail: It has emerged a chemical that has been linked to cancer cell growth is being used by millions of Americans in toothpaste every day. The company behind Colgate Total insists that triclosan, which it uses to stave off gum disease, is safe to use because the toothpaste was approved in 1997 by the Food and Drug Administration. But the toxicology documents used by the FDA to approve the toothpaste were only released early this year after a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit last year - and reveal the agency relied upon company-backed science to reach its conclusion.