

2014-08-13    02'56''

主播: EZFM China Drive

1852 64

前些天云南省地震发生后,地震灾区如厕难的问题,再一次被人们提出.不过,有了下面这种专门为突发事件设计的智能厕所,灾区的问题就能被轻而易举的解决了. Reuters: Emergency sanitation in disaster zones can compound the initial tragedy, causing disease and an increased risk of death among survivors. Too often holes in the ground serve as makeshift toilets. Damir Brdjanovic, and his team at UNESCO-IHE want to change that. They've developed the Emergency Sanitation Operation System - eSOS for short - an experimental toilet running on solar power. The lightweight system is easily transportable, and uniquely deals with the entire emergency sanitation chain, including re-cycling urine into irrigation water. Doctor Damir Brdjanovic explains: "It's a holistic approach to the emergency sanitation. It involves several components, eSOS smart toilet, smart transport and dislodging of each toilet unit and centralized treatment of feces and urine and the safe disposal of materials, like dry sludge, which is pathogen-free and the clean water which can be reused further in the system."