

2014-08-14    01'37''

主播: EZFM China Drive

1722 64

心理中暑heart's heat stroke 炎炎夏季里,不仅身体容易中暑,就连心理也会中暑。如果你经常烦躁不安,容易发火;如果你感觉记忆力衰退,难以静下心来思考问题;如果你莫名出现头痛、胸闷、心跳加速等症状,那么,你很有可能是have a heart's heat stroke--“心理中暑”了。 Heart’s heat stroke is the condition where you are prone to heat stroke in summertime – not physically, but psychologically, in the form of short temper and difficulty in staying calm. High-risk groups include white-collar workers under pressure and people who are poor at communicating. “心理中暑”指的就是你在夏天容易脾气暴躁、难以平静的心理状态。每天有极端工作压力的白领和不善交流的人都是心理中暑的高发团体。 医学心理研究表明人的情绪、心境和行为与季节变化有关。在炎热的夏季,大约有10%的人会出现情绪和行为的异常,即“心理中暑”。 Medical research shows that people’s mood、mental state and behavior have something to do with the change of seasons. In hot summer, approximately 10% of people would appear abnormal in their mood and behavior, which is heart’s heat stroke. 还好,现在已经是夏天的尾巴了,希望桑拿天一去不复返。