

2014-08-18    00'33''

主播: EZFM China Drive

1501 86

YOUKU Tudou has jumped onto the smartphone bandwagon — the first by an Internet video website. 8月17日晚,土豆网总裁杨伟东正式宣布,将联合硬件生产商推出全球首款LED智能近投设备"钛土豆"(Tatoo 1)及智能手机 "逆客", 最快于今年10月上市. Youku Tudou will release a phone with hardware vendor Doov. The phone has a rotatable camera and offers other functions for shooting, editing, sharing and watching video. The news was revealed by China's No. 1 video website during the two-day Tudou Festival which closed on Sunday. Tudou President Yang Weiqiang said the new phone was designed for young mobile video lovers who are keen to catch the latest fashion trends.