

2014-08-20    01'00''

主播: EZFM China Drive

4255 83

A Chinese aircraft was forced to delay its landing after two air traffic controllers nodded off, sparking a wave of online anger about airline safety. 从三亚飞往武汉的东航MU2528次航班,在快要降落武汉机场时联系塔台,而塔台管制员竟然睡着了,多次呼叫无人应答,飞行员不得不重新拉起飞机,在空中复飞12分钟才安全落地.此事引起网民极大关注. The Boeing 737 was preparing to land at Wuhan airport in central China but received no response from the air traffic control tower for 12 minutes. The pilot had to abort the landing and fly around in circles for a while. According to Chinese media reports, contact was eventually made and China Eastern Airlines flight MU2528 from Sanya landed safely.