英国广播网:美国联合航空公司一航班不得不在中途备降,因为两名乘客为座椅调节问题发生争执. 事发时,美国联合航空公司1462航班上一名男乘客使用了护膝器(Knee Defender)——一种阻止前面乘客座椅后仰的"神器".机上乘务员要求他不要使用该设备,遭到拒绝.坐在该男子前方的女乘客站起来向他泼了一杯水.
A report from BBC says that two passengers got into fight due to reclining seats. A United Airlines flight from Newark to Denver was diverted when a passenger prevented the woman in front of him from leaning back using a $21.95 (£13) lock called a Knee Defender. After he allegedly refused requests from cabin crew to remove it, his un-laid back fellow traveller allegedly hurled a glass of water at him.