祖国首都 吃货之都

祖国首都 吃货之都

2014-09-02    01'14''

主播: EZFM China Drive

1350 102

A recent survey shows that Beijing ranks third in China for living convinience, with the capital's dining coming in first. 大众点评网昨天发布的"2014年省会城市"吃喝玩乐"指数"显示,北京生活便利指数在广州,上海之后位列全国第三;而餐饮指数位居全国第一,是名副其实的'吃货'之城. According to a report issued by an urban consumer's guide,dianping.com , Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing were listed as the top three for living convenience in 2014, while Beijing has the most restaurants among the 31 provincial capitals and municipalities in China.