

2014-09-03    02'34''

主播: EZFM China Drive

3235 106

在数据化时代,本来充满神秘的英国皇室生活如今变得人人都可以偷窥到.英国女王表示,她不喜欢自己的每一个动作和行踪都被实时更新到网络上让公众看到. The Telegraph reports while the Queen has always been one to embrace modern technology, she has confided that she loathes the sea of mobile telephones that greets her every move in public. Courtiers expressed their dismay last year at the way BBC staff greeted the monarch with raised smartphones and tablets wherever she turned during her visit to the revamped Broadcasting House in central London. The implication was that the Queen regarded it as bad manners to be staring at a screen rather than looking at a guest. Since then the problem has only become worse.