

2014-09-12    03'55''

主播: EZFM China Drive

5106 132

英国每日电讯:英国乐购超市近来受到了一种鸟的侵扰,尝试各种办法驱赶失败后,准备用枪来解决问题.然而,这引起了很多人的反对,其中包括一些顾客,环保人士甚至还有英国广播公司主持人. The Telegraph: Tesco threatened to shoot a protected pied wagtail which has been fluttering round one of its supermarkets, prompting outrage from customers, environmentalists and a BBC wildlife presenter. The seven inch long bird has been flying around the aisles of a superstore for several weeks, evading all attempts to capture it. Losing patience, Tesco applied for a licence from Natural England this week, allowing it to be shot amid fears that it posed a public health risk at the store in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. However the supermarket chain was forced to back down after it was hit with protests from customers after a local newspaper revealed that the bird faced being destroyed by a marksman with an air rifle when the store closes after 4pm this Sunday.