

2014-10-07    03'33''

主播: EZFM China Drive

3703 153

如果你学习英文的时候,经常出现拼写错误,不要责怪自己不给力的大脑记忆.因为英国每日电讯的一篇报道说,一半的英国人拼不出常用的单词.听了这个报道,你可能安慰自己说,连native speaker都拼不出来,学英语的时候不要对自己太苛刻了. A report by the Telegraph titles "Half of Britons can't spell common words". Embarrassment, occasionally and necessary have been listed among the words Britons have most difficulty spelling. Researchers who studied 2,000 adults found that more than half had problems spelling commonly used words. The list included accommodate, questionnaire and rhythm. Conscience also proved tricky, along with occurrence, restaurant and guarantee.