

2014-10-20    05'23''

主播: EZFM China Drive

2781 120

新的一周又开始了.很多人周一来到办公室,就会遇到同事问"周末过得怎么样?",一项调查显示,每3个英国人中就有一个在回答这个问题时撒谎.这是为什么呢? New Zealand Herald: Usually on Monday morning, some colleagues turn to you and asks: "So, what did you get up to this weekend?" When asked this question, a new study has revealed one in three British workers feel compelled to lie to make themselves seem more interesting. A third of workers suffer from 'weekendvy' - where they are economical with the truth so they appear as adventurous as their colleagues. The study, commissioned by Travelodge, asked 3000 adults across the UK what they told workmates when they were asked how their weekend was.