

2014-10-28    06'58''

主播: EZFM China Drive

13557 141

通常我们都认为,在网上购物的价格相对于实体店要便宜一些.但是,近来美国的一项调查显示,你用不同的设备购物有可能需要付的价格不一样,比如说,用苹果手机购物,那可能你要多付一些钱了. CBS News: For years now, merchants have tracked individual online shopping habits to personalize their websites and attract customers. That also helps them make assumptions about income and spending power. But a new study says some companies are going beyond that by using what they know about each shopper to set different prices for the same product. You may have noticed while shopping online your computer seems to know exactly what you're looking for. That's because companies track your search and purchase histories to make guesses about what you like. But a Northeastern University study shows companies are also using information about how you're shopping online to customize prices. Asst. Prof. Christo Wilson explains. "Many E-commerce sites will give deals or change the prices for people using specific devices or browsers, or will change the order of search results to highlight more expensive items."