

2014-11-03    01'17''

主播: EZFM China Drive

4320 88

电影《忍者神龟:变种时代》周五在中国内地上线,周末收入1.62亿人民币,自上映首次获得海外周末票房榜冠军。这部真人电影是由变形金刚的导演迈克·贝参与制作的,爆米花水准有保障,娱乐性很强,视觉系的观众可以考虑一下IMAX版本。中间一场从雪山上冲下来的动作戏,那种随时会被屏幕上的大卡车碾压的感觉还是挺惊心动魄的。 While the full numbers from this weekend's mainland box office are still being tallied, a leader has emerged. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles took the top of the weekend box office in China, kicking the butts out of the competition. A live-action reboot of the hit American cartoon from the late 80s, Turtles showed at over 4,700 theaters across the mainland and netted 26.5 million U.S. dollars through its opening weekend, bumping its total offshore weekend to roughly 34 million dollars. "Turtles" went up against fellow Hollywood import "The Maze Runner" and Hong Kong actioner "Kung Fu Jungle," both of which also opened this weekend.