

2014-11-24    02'43''

主播: EZFM China Drive

3518 148

11月21日,不少用户在微博上反映人人影视网站一直处于无法访问的状态。一天后,人人影视发布公告称正在清理内容,感谢大家厚爱与支持。 预兆早已出现。一个月前,人人影视字幕站官方在一条很快删除的微博中称,由于受到版权压力,人人影视网站将在11月底彻底清除所有无版权资源下载链接。声明主要缘于美国电影协会公布的一份全球范围内的音像盗版调查报告,该报告直接点名人人影视存在版权问题。 近几年,我国视频版权的整治一直在继续。然而对于一些历经风波“老牌”网站,背后的原因有可能更加复杂。例如,此间微博有消息称此次人人影视调整与字幕有关,并放出版权局查封服务器的照片。然而无论何种猜测目前都无法得到证实。 不过显而易见的事实是,受到波及到的并不止人人影视一家。同期,射手网等几家提供海外影视剧中文字幕的网站,也遭遇关停的处理。 Two Chinese websites offering free subtitled versions of foreign language movies and TV dramas have shut down. They are yyets.com and shooters.cn. 射手网和人人影视被关闭,预示着字幕组时代的终结。 YYeTs.com, which provides Chinese subtitles for English-language movies and TV dramas, suspended operations over the weekend. It did not say if or when the service will resume. The non-profit organization has offered a wide range of films and TV shows with Chinese subtitles, with volunteers writing the subtitles. It is popular due to its exclusive resources of independent or erotic productions, though most were pirated. According to The Wrap, an entertainment and media news website, the closure is linked to criticism by The Motion Picture Association of America.